==>> WowWee Robotics Roboquad Red

WowWee Robotics Roboquad Red

WowWee Robotics Roboquad Red


About WowWee Robotics Roboquad Red:

Roboquad is an entertaining robotic pet. An amalgam of 2 legged intelligence with 6 legged animation, resulting in this creature with the relentless curiosity of an energetic 4 legged puppy. His advanced artificial intelligence and hurry scurry mobility place Roboquad high up the robot evolutionary scale.You can influence Roboquad’s personality and behavior by choosing levels in three realms. With increased Awareness, Roboquad will alertly scan his environment and detect movements as far away as six feet. He’ll deftly avoid obstacles and find portals with ease. Increase Activity levels and, in

Features WowWee Robotics Roboquad Red:

  • Interacts with his environment as he moves through it, scanning, avoiding obstacles, and reacting to any changes
  • Behavior influenced by 3 controllable personality settings: activity level, aggression level, and awareness level
  • Deep IR scanner vision system with multiple scanning ranges used to assess distances and obstacles and influence behavior
  • Advanced movement control: direction, style of walking (i.e., crab walk, stomp walk, rotation walking), and head movements
  • Programmable: up to 40 moves